‘Victory will be most important to Milan’

With Hillsborough preparing for ‘Thank You Milan Day’ on Saturday, Stuart Gray says he is sure the outgoing chairman will want three points above anything else against Cardiff.

Milan Mandaric is ready to say an on-the-pitch farewell to the fans prior to kick off and Gray said: “The chairman deserves to say cheerio to the supporters and to thank them for their support – and to give them the opportunity to thank him.

“But then we’ve got to focus on the game, that’s the most important thing and I am sure he would prefer the three points in the bag for us.”

Reflecting on the poor state of the Hillsborough pitch, the head coach said: “It’s such a leveller and is probably one of worst pitches I have ever trained on. However, it’s there, we have to get on with it and we have got to find a way of beating teams on it.”

He said the frustration is Wednesday have to play on the surface 20-plus times a season, while visiting teams endure it just once, but that it will hopefully be rectified during the summer.

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