With the kick off for the new season just over a week away, it’s time to renew your London Owls membership … if you haven’t done so already.
It was good to see so many members travelling with us last season on our organised rail trips. In particular, the Aston Villa home game drew numbers that we had not seen since the days of the Premier League and it was also encouraging to see several of our younger members travelling regularly.
Membership rates for this season are:- Individual – £6; Family – £11; Seniors/U16s – £2.50. You can find a membership form on our website to complete and return or, if paying via bank transfer then just email back the completed form.
A huge amount of time and effort goes in to running the club, organising travel, arranging socials, helping to source match tickets, regularly updating our website and such like and we hope you agree the membership fee still represents very good value.
We also always welcome extra help, so if you’re interested in getting involved in some capacity then please do get in touch with us.
Finally, let’s hope for an excellent season. WAWAW!