Outgoing chairman Milan Mandaric’s final statement in the club’s annual report reflects on the highs and lows of his four years at Hillsborough.
Mr Mandaric, who is shortly to officially hand over ownership to Dejphon Chansiri, says: “People ask me what has been the highlight of my time at the club, I think the day we gained promotion from League One in my first full season in charge probably stands out as very special, the memory of so many fans squeezed onto the pitch celebrating after the game still sends a tingle down my spine.”
He also speaks fondly of the success of the Owls in the Park events and of trips to the Children’s Hospital at Christmas with the players.
Mr Mandaric says it was a difficult decision to replace manager Dave Jones with Stuart Gray after a poor start to the 2013-14 season: “I promised however that I would make the difficult decisions with only the best interests of the club in mind and it was for this reason that I appointed Stuart Gray as Head Coach in January 2014.
“Although not to universal approval, I was convinced he was the best man for the difficult task of turning our season around, once again our supporters showed why the Wednesday family is so special, you supported my decision without hesitation and welcomed Stuart to his new position.”
He says the FA Cup defeat at home to Charlton was probably the most disappointing result of the season but also reflects on the continued development of the Academy.
In conclusion, Milan says: “Finally, I would like to say goodbye and thank you to our loyal supporters. our short journey together has been a wonderful ride. I am most grateful for the hospitality you have shown to me whilst I have been in Shefield. I think we can all say ‘this city is ours’.”