Team Lineups

Jim on verge of completing walk around entire GB coastline

Former London Owl and massive Wednesdayite, Jim Morton, is about to complete his remarkable walk around the entire coastline of mainland Great Britain.

We have featured Jim’s exploits on our website from time to time since he left his home in Penistone in April 2021, accompanied by wife Sue as motorhome driver, navigator, campsite organiser and so much more … along with Shona and Maisie, their west highland terriers

Now, almost 18 months and 9,000 miles later, he has the finishing line well and truly in his sights.

Jim, 62, who was an active member of our club in the late seventies and early eighties, will be completing his amazing journey this Friday, September 30, when he arrives back in Penistone – at the car park close to Tesco and Julie’s Cafe – at approximately 2.30pm.

He will be pleased to see any London Owls who might be in the area on the day, along with all  Wednesday fans, to join the ‘welcome home’ committee and congratulate him on his remarkable achievement.

Ex-Navy man Jim’s first ship was HMS Gurkha and, since then, he has always had a special affinity with the Gurkhas. To this end, he decided to raise money for the Gurkha Welfare Trust … with all funds collected going towards building new homes after an earthquake destroyed villages in Nepal.

Jim has already raised more than £27,000, which will be enough to build at least three homes, and is hoping the figure will grow even further as he enters that home straight.

You can follow the final week of Jim’s incredible marathon walk in his daily vlog on the Facebook and Instagram pages, entitled ‘I may be gone a while’, where you can also find details of his Just Giving page.

And don’t forget, if you’re in the area then you can cheer Jim over the finishing line in Penistone this coming Friday, September 30.

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