Bannan: I’ve not asked to leave Wednesday

Barry Bannan has dismissed reports that he has put in a transfer request.

The influential midfielder has been out of action since last month after suffering what was thought to be a groin injury in training. His comeback has been delayed longer than expected and that sparked off internet rumours of him wanting to leave Wednesday.

However, Bannan tweeted on Monday evening: “Just to clear things up, I’m injured and have never handed in a transfer request at this club so I don’t know where these stories are coming from! I’ve had a setback with my recovery and will be out for a while but I’ll be back so please keep up your amazing support for the boys, we need you more than ever.”

You’ve got to do the basics right, you’ve got to tackle someone when he’s running through, And, if you’re a centre back you keep your shape, you don’t pass it and go on an overlap.
You’ve got to do the basics right, you’ve got to tackle someone when he’s running through, And, if you’re a centre back you keep your shape, you don’t pass it and go on an overlap.

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